3 Simply Ways of Image Cropping in PowerPoint
Image cropping is the first skill a novice PowerPoint user needs to learn. Here are three ways to do it right: from the simplest to the more complex.
Image cropping is the first skill a novice PowerPoint user needs to learn. Here are three ways to do it right: from the simplest to the more complex.
The combination of masking techniques with animation in PowerPoint slides will grab and hold the attention of audience longer
Combining the technique of cutout text with PowerPoint animation allows you to get beautiful, catchy slides for your presentation
Here we will show how you can get an impressive 3D effect on a regular flat image using exclusively PowerPoint animation
Peek In animation with mask creates a neat, smoothly moving object with perfect clean, sharp edges
We’ll show you how to use PowerPoint shapes as stencils to cut out shapes and images to make great professionally designed slides that look perfect
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Graphs and Charts in PowerPoint are very good descriptive objects for display numbers and statistics in your diagrams in an interesting and informative way
PowerPoint Themes and SmartArt are some of the best tools to use when you want to create a captivating and instructional presentation
There are two features in PowerPoint that are there solely for to attract the attention during a presentation: Animations and Transitions
Use these five design tips for great PowerPoint presentations if you want to create a presentation that is both effective and informative.
Here are seven design tips straight from Adam Cannon, an amazing Instructional Designer on how to improve your next presentation