Category PowerPoint Tips 30 articles to read

Putting together texts, images, videos and seemingly like to get a PowerPoint presentation is easy. But to make the presentation effective is not. Take a look, PowerPoint provides you with dozens of tools. Some, like animations or transitions, should be used sparingly, while others should always be used. Here you will find tips that will help you navigate the variety of PowerPoint tools and become a master in making presentations.
Video Aids for PowerPoint

Video Aids for PowerPoint

If you’ve ever used a video clip in a PowerPoint presentation, only to have it vanish when you’ve tried to run the presentation on someone else’s computer, you’ll appreciate PowerPoint…

5 rules of great presentation

From the moment you step on stage, your audience will make an assessment of you and then look for evidence to confirm their first impressions. This subconscious phenomena is called…

How to Make a Presentation Fun

Ask yourself the important questions to help you understand. Why is this presentation important? What are you going to tell your audience that they don’t already know?

Presenting = Communicating = Training

All training involves persuasion; my trainer clients taught me that, telling me in no uncertain terms that they need to persuade their trainees to pay attention and implement their training